JOB crafting
The Toolkit to creatE purposeful high performing teams
Are you flourishing ?
Do you find purpose and meaning while you work in your team, do you feel engaged?
No organization can customize all its teams and jobs to align to each individual; to their passion, strength or skills.
But you can get there with Job Crafting.
Job Crafting captures the redesigning that individuals do to their own jobs (aspects of the tasks, relationships, and the purpose of ones job), in ways that can foster job satisfaction, as well as engagement, resilience and flourishing at work.
- Amy Wrzesniewski, Justin M. Berg & Jane Dutton, 2001
WHy job crafting?
Job crafting is considered as an art as it helps to enhance the resilience power of the you along with an increase in job satisfaction and engagement in the workplace.
The principles of job crafting remain deeply relevant in a world where job structure is rapidly changing, putting more and more responsibility on the individual for the experience and engagement in their work. While organizations cannot customize its job to each individual and teams, Job Crafting brings opportunities to build the kinds of task, relational, and cognitive landscapes that bring meaning to your work.
How job crafting
How is Job Crafting done, and what different elements/ aspects of your job can be redesigned to achieve Job Crafting >
.1 > purpose crafting
Changing the way an individual thinks about the purpose of their tasks, relationships, or the job as a whole in teams . (finding purposes aligned to the teams in order to attach more meaning to their work)
Example : A manager seeing a larger purpose as to 'interact with team member to know their aspirations and mentor / coach them' (apart from work).
A testing engineer viewing the job 'not just as QA fixing bugs - but sees himself as a problem solver- documenting the best practices adding value to team and client'
.2 > tasks crafting
Changes that an individual makes to the activities/ tasks in the job, (either the type or amount of work they do)
Example : A manager 'ensure to carve out puposes for each individual in team on a quartely basis .
Finance manager (who is interested in training) 'volunteering to do training for company employees on how to file IT returns'.
.3 > relations crafting
Altering the control of an individual over the people at work they interact with (forging new interdepartmental relationships/ tasks)
Example : A manager offering mentoring support to new employees to exercise meaningful relationships
Sales person using video conferencing tool instead of email to make the relations more in-person